Grammarly vs Hemingway - Which writing assistant is better

May 03, 2022

Grammarly vs Hemingway - Which writing assistant is better

Are you a writer, a student, or someone who writes emails, memos, or social media posts? If yes, you know that writing is not an easy task. It requires creativity, critical thinking, and a good knowledge of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Fortunately, there are writing assistant apps that can help you avoid typos, spelling mistakes, and grammatical errors. In this post, we will give you a breakdown of two writing assistant apps – Grammarly vs Hemingway.


Grammarly is an AI-based writing assistant app that helps you write error-free, clear, and compelling text. It checks your grammar, punctuation, and spelling and suggests improvements to your sentence structure, word choice, and style. The app is available as a browser extension, a web app, a desktop app, and a mobile app.


  • Contextual spelling checker
  • Grammar checker
  • Punctuation checker
  • Sentence structure analysis
  • Style improvement suggestions
  • Integration with popular apps and platforms, such as Google Docs, MS Word, and Outlook
  • Plagiarism checker (premium version only)


  • Comprehensive grammar checks
  • Real-time feedback
  • Browser/ Word integration
  • User-friendly interface
  • Available on multiple platforms
  • Offers a free version


  • Expensive premium version
  • Sometimes suggests changes that alter your original message
  • Limited functionality for the free version


Hemingway is a writing assistant app that helps you write clear, concise and readable text. It highlights long, complex sentences, passive voice, and unnecessary adverbs and suggests ways to simplify your text. The app is available as a web app, a desktop app, and a mobile app.


  • Sentence length highlighting
  • Reading time estimation
  • Word and character count
  • Adverb highlighting
  • Passive voice detector
  • Integration with Markdown, Word and HTML


  • Simplifies writing
  • User-friendly interface
  • Affordable one-time purchase
  • Offers a free online version
  • Provides writing statistics


  • Limited compatibility with other platforms and apps
  • No plagiarism check
  • Not suitable for academic writing


Feature Grammarly Hemingway
Grammar check Yes Yes
Spelling check Yes No
Sentence structure analysis Yes Yes
Punctuation check Yes No
Style improvement suggestions Yes Yes
Integration with apps and platforms Yes Limited
Plagiarism check Yes, premium-only No
Price Free, premium starts at €30/month $19.99 one-time purchase


Both Grammarly and Hemingway are excellent writing assistant apps that can help improve your writing skills. Grammarly is more comprehensive and suitable for academic writing, while Hemingway is more affordable and geared towards non-academic writing. If you are looking for a basic writing assistant app, then Hemingway is a good choice. However, if you want a broad range of features, including plagiarism checks, then Grammarly is the best option.


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